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Misty will be staying with us for as long as it takes unless anything drastic happens. She’s a loving dog who has fitted in well here and just keeps giving. She’s a real little joy to have about the place and she is excellent with Harry too.
She’s actually “mine” – so the “they” … is me (bit scary!!!) but I am having help from some wonderful rescues and rescue forums who are helping to get her seen. She will soon be getting a smart brand new INAH coat to wear out too. I really love her to pieces and I think everyone here will miss her but I will be just as happy waving her off into a good home and freeing up my emergency space here as I am saying “no” to about 2-3 dogs a week at the moment (and i am not even a rescue – just someone ppl know can sometimes help!!).
I am doing another car boot soon to raise a bit more money to give to some good causes waiting in my “inbox” – all needy and all sad 🙁
Claire x