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Re: dog v children

Home Archive Forums Dogs Basic Dog Training dog v children Re: dog v children


Oowkayyy….. Claire  :-\ , Lassie saw me right on this one. I knew this was coming, i knew it  ::) . I hoped you would read my words right, even pointed them out to you, but nope, once again you chose to read what you want to. Misinterpretation can happen to the best of us though, so i point it out again. This from me takes an effort as i am not a person that is easily goes REPETING himself and beliefe that once said is enough for everyone as one of my motto’s is ‘once for the hearing, twice for the deaf, third time needs payment.’

But ok here it is…..(my own words)

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Did you yourself scare her away, or did she just stay away? Well, we’ll never know unless she replies herself, so i am not going to say you are the reason. DO NOT THINK THAT IS WHAT I AM THINKING OR ACCUSING YOU OF……..Don’t get me wrong Clair, i like straightforward people, as i am not knows as ‘mister-wise-in-choosing-his-words’ myself. And yes, you can accuse myselfy of being rude too and be right about that many times too. But there is a line between straightforward, rude ànd insulting.
And i can even understand one can take it out on the wrong people if one is under stress. Yes, even that you can accuse myselfy of too. But….it does not make me being right   😉

Am not the person to say ‘sorry clair but…’ as i do not use the word ‘sorry’ unless i mean it. I use words like ‘don’t get me wrong’ If you were looking for that ‘sorry’ than you are barking up the wrong tree.

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If I am continually expected to justify my behaviour in this way – YES I will quite rightly get stroppy

I not can find the word ‘stroppy’. I not know what it means. But if you ‘constantly need to justify your behaviour’… that doesn’t raise a question to you?

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the whole point is that my original reply was actually everything the OP asked for, was not shouting and did not ‘scare’ them away.

…………. Am finding it harder and harder to repeat myself here  ::) , but whatever……

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Well, we’ll never know unless she replies herself, so I AM NOT GOING TO SAY YOU ARE THE REASON. Do not think that is what i am thinking or accusing you of.

There it was again *sigh*.

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2. he does imply that it was my post which ‘scared’ them away.

If i was paranoid i would think you are trying to scare ME away  :suspious: …… Good thing that i am NOT.

Now….. i could start a pissingcontest as i KNOW you WILL respond if i provoce you and say stuff  to you like ‘you want to leave than goodbye’ or ‘you are always insulting’ and loads of other things i could use to drag your words out of context…. but i’m not going to.
You used the ‘capital thing and new cyberstuff on other website’-thing against me. One can bold the words or intaliczise or underline them.  I find that more polite. And yes initialy at the beginning of my post i was feeling annoyed. But now, at the end of my post i don’t care anymore. You (and yes this is what i think about you Claire), you want to be straitforward with others but can not handle a rebounce. Well that’s to bad than….

And thàt was my final word on this.

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