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Anal Glands!!??!!

Home Archive Forums Dogs Health Anal Glands!!??!!

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    Sky has a couple of bald spots, about the size of a 2p, one either side of her bottom! No redness or swelling but she has been scooting and licking her bottom and base of her tail alot!  :-\ When we got her she’d had her anal glands done for the first time the day before…. I was a bit pee’d off as I thought now they’ve started to be done they’ll probably need doing again!! Anyway she was still scooting after having a poo even the day we got her! She’s on a much better diet now, nice firm poo’s and occasional bones so really the anal glands shouldn’t need doing!!  :-\ but she does scoot alot and more so recently! wondering if she’s just worn the hair away where she does this….. anyway got vets this afternoon to get it checked….. hope they don’t need doing  :vomit:


    Nat…Livs is on a natural/raw diet and still has to have her  :butt: squeezed

    Sometimes its just bad luck, sounds like the chewing and scootering has taken the hair off

    Hope all goes well x


    Yes hair loss is from scooting and licking, vet said her glands are quite high so she may need them done now and then, there was a bit of fluid in them but not too bad, but she does have a slight infection so she’s got some tablets, Antirobe/Clindacyl. Vet thinks she’s got off lightly really as some dogs need em doing every 3 weeks!!!  😮  :vomit: So I suppose 5 months isn’t bad!

    She was such a good girl, so proud of her  ;D Vet siad how good she was looking so I must be doing something right  ;D  😉


    Bless her  :-*


    Nat you may find a sprinkle of bran on her food may stop it  :ok:


    Ok Val thanks  :ok:


    Oow Nat, think of it this way: atleast your not in deep sh… oowait ::) … that’s not a ‘pick me upper’….. Hmm, ok Nat, think of it THIS way; atleast there are things that stink mor… oowaity again ::) … nope, not a ‘pick me upper’ either…. OK Nat, i got a pick me upper  ;D . Atleast your girl is NOT being miss stinky on purpose.  :canadian: ha ha ha, aaaallways funny when this happens to someone else. But don’t worry, one day, i’ll get the stinky boy  😉 .


    Lol Diesel  😀

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