aunty bev…..please aunty bev……just because you are at the age of built in central heating and you have to stand in open doors and go phew phew waft waft…and we do not mind in the day time really cos we love you….but pleeeaaaseeee……….we just little minpins and we are used to our home comforts…

am sitting minpins while mum and dad off to the U.S. of A
they too funny…when i get old (er) and (more) infirm i am going to have minpins…they such loves…heating on auto…i forgot what sue said about the boiler…i am cooking…i go to sliding doors in dog bedroom bit…and stand wafting and i hear a noise behind me and harry bless him…had grabbed holly’s sleeping bag off the chair and got in it…hahaha tena lady time ;D ;D