[img width=234 height=468]http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q313/Mary023/SRS_FRD_Caras_Fund.jpg[/img]
Cara’s Fund is in memory of my beloved Cara who was an ex-breeding bitch, who spent her last few months living with me. Cara was a shining example of the fact that while you may not get to enjoy a whole lifetime with your dog, you will have the joy of giving him or her what may well be the best years of their life.
When someone adopts an older Springer from Springer Rescue for Scotland, we aim to provide lifelong support for veterinary health. In cases of hardship, and where funds allow, we would also try to supply a little extra in the way of ‘creature comforts’.
By becoming a friend of Cara’s, you will know that your contribution is going specifically to provide for the welfare of older Springers who come into our care. By helping us offer this back-up and support, you will increase the chances of older Springers ending their days safe in a ‘forever home’.
We will send Cara’s friends our two newsletters ever year, providing news & views on our work.
You will also receive a complimentary car stcker
To find out more, or request a standing order form, please pm me