Date: Sunday 24th July 2011
Venue: The Fun Farm, High Road, Weston, Spalding, Lincs, PE12 6JU
7 Pedigree, 16 Fun, 18 Greyhound & 17 Lurcher Classes.
Entries from 11.00 a.m. with Judging at 12.30 all rings. Entry Fee £1 a class.
Rosettes 1 – 5 all classes and prizes 1 -7 all classes (many classes a prize for every entrant).
Trophies & Rosettes including Best in Show, Best Novelty, Best Greyhound, Best Lurcher & many more.
Supreme Champion Trophy (Best in Show, Best Greyhound & Best Lurcher) to compete
Supreme Novelty Trophy (Best Novelty, Best Novelty Greyhound & Best Novelty Lurcher) to compete
Parking, Refreshments, Super Raffle, Tombola, Stands (spaces still available)
Enquiries to Val on 01775840294 or 07890003396 or email