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He is a little sod, not a day goes by where i cant be found yelling MANNNY NOOOOO! but not a day goes by either where he doesnt make me laugh at least half a dozen times :canadian:
[img width=351 height=468]http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/376528_10150521173663923_763858922_10494148_1144155945_n.jpg[/img]
Daft dog ;D
Love the way he has placed his hind legs ;D
lol…thought that was his tail…was going to put..never thought of trimming that tail off haha 😀
hahaha brilliant ;D
I’m a poodle fan! Lovely looking dog Suz! If I ever get another dog it may well be a working poodle.
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