:nono: :nono: poor cubert my A :butt: 🙂
aint no groomer or anti dock person in this world that will convince me otherwise…when i see the distress pain panic that he goes through when he gets half a gorse brush or a bramble or or in his tail and it bleeding or pulling and it hurts and he doing run 4 steps stop try to grab it out …run 10 steps…yells mum mum…and i pull it out and he stands and lets me cos he wants to go on and play …. or when he having fun and just being what he is and it bleeds and he panics and he so distressed that he runs back to car…
no no….thats what i mean about gunner tails…nightmare for me…and him…have tried oils have dusted him with baby talc before we go out…yeah…when it full…sure looks pretty…and yep i have trimmed it when it full and yep looks prettier….but…
so it i wish it could come off…and i really mean it…when i say i would dock tomorrow…one more bleed that is serious as the one last march…and it will come off…
so…yep i joke and tease etc…but there you go…thats where i am at 🙂