They feel it alright but not thaaat bad. The bigger the fether, the more they feel it. At the tail and the wings, the biggest are the ones they need to fly. Those might bleed a verry little if plucked out. But if you can get hold of 1 and pluck it out his pride will hurt the most 😉 . No real harm done, it will grow back just fine. They shed all fethers twice a year.
Pluck out a few of those bigones in 1 wing and he can fly no more. They shed them equaly at both sides so they won’t tilt over. Of if you pluck 1-2 on the left wing, pluck the same amount on the right wing. Than it can still fly if you don’t pluck the 3 to 4 most outher fethers.
To write with…. best fethers are the big ones (tail and other wingfethers). Leave it for a week so the end gets really hardened up. Than use a scalpel to make it more pointy 😉