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F1gur471v3ly 5p34k1ng?Good example of a Brain Study: If you can read this you have a strong mind:7H15 M3554G353RV35 7O PR0V3H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4ND0 4M4Z1NG 7H1NG5!1MPR3551V3 7H1NG5!1N 7H3 B3G1NN1NG17 WA5 H4RD BU7N0W, 0N 7H15 LIN3Y0UR M1ND 1SR34D1NG 174U70M471C4LLYW17H 0U7 3V3N7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17,B3 PROUD! 0NLYC3R741N P30PL3 C4NR3AD 7H15.PL3453 F0RW4RD 1FU C4N R34D 7H15.
brilliant ;D
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