Anyone any experience of heart failure in the boxer? How will i know when the time is right to stop medicating and let her go?
Shes 6 1/2 years old – had heart murmer from birth that caused no issues until 6mths ago. She was put on ferusamide to try and reduce fluid build up but the original dose (think it was 1 tablet twice daily) made her incontinent so it had to be halved. She has continued on this half dose for 6 months and it did reduce the fluid a bit but now its building up again (rib cage swelled and pop belly) and vet says she is now in heart failure. Hes prescribed Fortekor 20mg.
We asked the following questions and he was very vague….
How long has she got if we medicate? he didnt know but it MIGHT improve her quality of life and if not he could add some more medication
How long has she got if we dont medicate? he didnt know
This is so frustrating!! I dont want to pump her full of drugs and make her remaining time miserable cos she feels like crap but i dont want to stop medicating and make her feel like crap if it’s not her time yet. What do i do??