We sadly had to say goodbye to dear icey, i know she had some fans onm here. We had to take her into vets last tuesday as she was stumblimg around all of a sudden. she did this stumbling around, unbalanced thing @ vets 4 or 5 times but was also circling to left side & falling over so she was getting worse once @ vets, on the 5th circling she then fell & couldn’t get up, her eyes were flicking too, so we had to make the heartbreaking decision to end her suffering, vet said he thought she was suffering a stroke but also thinks her heart was just not giving her enough oxygen to vital areas & she had a grade 5 murmer too. He also said months ago that she could go @ anytime which wasn’t what we wanted to hear but the inevitable, we really, really miss our girl though , she was 14 yrs almost . Its so odd not hearing her bark @ door for no reason & pottering around behind us. I couldn.t sleep for 2 nights after kept waking up & thinking of her & got tearful.
RIP baby girl, run free with no pain with your buddies.
[img width=468 height=351]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f292/rosegallagher/mushing/P1000542.jpg[/img]