A weakness in the lower back, common in GSD when they are getting on my daughter had to put boots on the back feet of her’s as he was wearing the tops of his feet raw. Along with the limpy bit sounds like disc’s in the lower back possible from her accident these sort of things show up when a dog is getting on a bit
I love the way vets say Some slight Arthritis what they mean is visible damage. Arthritis is painful I know and in the early stages of my hip (am off soon for a replacment) my leg would give way with a sharp pain, I thought it was my knee but I have now got a bone on bone in one hip that one is getting replaced the other one has good times and bad, it either aches like toothache or it makes my back ache like billi oh not all the times it has given way when there has been no pain just back ache I also trip sometimes, So I am sticking with my internet diagnoses she has a joint problem. Is she on anything for the pain?
I found Cortisone injections brilliant when Eshia’s front legs were playing her up she was nearly fourteen when I first used them, They really helped she had no side affects at all, bit of a bum having the shots every week for a month but the first shots lasted for over six months before she had a top up. Val