Hello! I’ve been absent from the forum for some while….my life has been sent into a spin by the arrival of 2 new grandchildren!
But I would appreciate some advice about Kennel Cough please.
Last week I adopted a 6 year old ex-breeding bitch, Betty…..through a rescue but staying in a foster home.
The 2nd day she was with us the coughing started and vet confirmed KC. It was decided to just watch her carefully for now. Then it was discovered she has a bad infection in both ears, so she was given 7 days of Nisamox 50mg, which the vet said would also help with the KC.
This is the 3rd day of the ABs and she’s still having coughing fits lasting half hour or so. I’m giving baby Benylin or honey in water to help her too, but I have a few questions….
1)How can I boost her immunity….. I’ve read through some old threads and think, Selenium and Vit E?
Should I wait for the KC to go before giving supplements? and how much would the dosage be for her. She weighs 5.5 kg
She’s eating o.k. and sleeping a lot, but I guess she’s worn out from all the coughing?
Is there anything else I can do to help her or any other advice you can give?
Many thanks.