Hiya everyone, we been quiet recently, Alex and I are having two weeks off work and Toby is loving the extra attention! Alex reminded me to ask something! Since Toby came home we have switched off all the lights but the passage one at night, his first few months if we turned it off it seemed to disorient him and he’d either pace a lot or move his bed and blanket around a lot, its been on ever since and although an energy saving one still not good for people that like to be ‘green!’ Do you think it would be OK to turn off the light at night again? Do you lot leave anything on for your pooches at night? His bedtime routine – he sleeps in the living room, is cued to get into his bed when I say sleeptime, then just a kiss off me and he stays put, then I turn off light and leave passage one on.
Thanks! :-*