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lumps and bumps

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    Gracie has a lump on her top of hip ish, she had one in the scruff of her neck maybe 2 yrs ago only noyiced when it burst and the fatty tissue came out, just squeezed excess out and cleaned it up she has a lil scar there now.
    over the last maybe 6 / 9 months time is a blur at the min a pea sized lump had appeared on gracies back.rump/hip area, at first it was only visible when she was up on two paws not it is visable when on four paws so has grown – vet looked and said cant be sure but to leave it unless suddenly grows alot bigger.
    We obv meet lots of dogs and owners and tend to find young dogs have the first lump off and it cancerous and then we have the older dogs who aref ull or all sorts of lumps and bumps and not worth risk to operate.
    Long post sorry, but what would you do re lumps and bumps – i know all situs different….. (ie re Honeys recent lump you have to chose to operate as its grown fast and dont want to run out of skin to repair)
    As much as poss we can get our fingers under sort of it in a tight skin place…


    Trix had one one her back leg, was the size of a pea for a few years, then suddenly grew so had it operated on, but then she is 9yrs old 

    it was a non cancerous lump, with infection surrounding it.

    We only did it because it grew so quicly in a few days xx


    Hi I have a 10 1/2 year old Gsp. She has had lumps as long as I can remember. The vet has checked them …some are fatty lumps, some are harder and cyst-like. I could either have them all cut out (meaning the trauma of anaesthetic etc) and analysed (Probably making her look like half a dog!) just to find out they are all benign ..Of course the other possibilty is that they are all cancerous ~ but at nearly 11years old I would prefer her to live out her life as peacefully and painlessly as possible.  Also I think that on the short haired dogs like ours the lumps and bumps do tend to be more noticeable. Just thought you would be interested in our situ.. of course everyone has their own opinion when it comes to their own dogs.  :yes:


    Thanks we are currently leaving it but it is just that niggle what if… If she ends up a lumpy bumpy dog we dont want to have her in for EVERY lump, and as you say these shorthaired breeds show up and prob look much worse that it would on a longer dog


    I think just trust your vet – we never know for sure but blimey if i took honey in for every lump shes ever had id be bankrupt and shed be more scars than skin!!! to be honest even if the lump shed just had removed HAD been cancer i wouldnt of done any further treatment, quality of life an all.

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