Ever since manny got knocked off his feet by a judge at a ringcraft match night – and then atacked on his own doorstep by an american bull dog ( once it had him pinned down 2 times its gone for him and ive managed to get him out the way – and yes im still trying to find out where it lives!!) anyway since then hes been a nightmare – to the point id barely take him out, his amazing recall was useless if a dog came near him cos hed freak and run – last time he did that was out onto a road near fast moving traffic 🙁
anyway hes been attending dog classes for some weeks now – and today i took him to a small town where we can walk up by the river all on lead stuff ( not ready to test off lead just yet!!) and he was just amazing, im so pleased, he will now ignore most people and can be easily distracted from those who do frighten him – and he even sat and waited while the other 2 boys greeeted a dog – he just used to scream and bark till they moved away, i dont think he will ever be like the other 2 who love everyone and love playing with other dogs – but to be able to take him out and not want to die of shame cos hes screaming, its just wonderful!! and hes happier too which is the best thing!!