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    we had a real early start today…mo cleaning upstairs  ::) i go to fetch a couple of dogs to come here for their hols…by lunchtime it felt like night time …

    walked fed settles and mo said we havnt watched a vid since forever…

    8 below was her choice

    do you remember  ;D ;D i was at yours …we sat on sofa like a couple of teenagers…think it took a week for the bruise to go after you grabbed me when the leopard seal  :surprise: :surprise: :ugly:

    and all i kept saying was ‘i wouldnt have left my best girlie’  ;D ;D ::)

    how many tissues did we get through haha

    seems so long ago xxx


    I remember it well – 5 years ago.  We cried like babies.  :'(

    Nooch was such a wee rascal back then but not as you put it a “typical weim”.  He is still a big serious bunnie with fantastic focus and still very mudge velcro to my leg. 

    Still totally adore him.  Need to see if I can find video of you sharing bone  😀


    doG mudgie  ::) did you have to put that up…. >:D


    yes BB is soooooooooooooo cute  :baby:  :yes:  :baby:

    Oh you mean the one with you sharing Nacho bone  :agree: yes so proud that my pooch will do that.  Need to teach to share!!  No food agression in this house well apart from Pandy with his haribo !!!


    sure as hell couldnt do it with percy  >:D >:D


    ROTFLOL, if i do that sunshine says ‘ooooow, what you sometimes do, that is sooo……., sooooooo………., you are sooooo………, that’s ‘blèhk’ yukyuk and you just keep doing that, it’s soooooo…..’….. than she just shuts up cause she knows it’s no use comenting on it bwahahahaha.

    Djeez… i love them trips down memorylane  :yes: .

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