Hello dog owners!
I have written a book about a mischievous dog and his canine pals. It’s called Scrabble Runs Amok! and is aimed at children and young teens but I would like to think the humour will appeal to all ages.
The blurb for the book is as follows:
Scrabble is a Labradoodle with a Labrador’s good nature, a Poodle’s excitable temperament and an instinct for mischief all of his very own. When he and a scoundrel of a Boxer called Sailor break out of their boarding kennels, they team up with a quick-witted Border Collie, a feisty Chihuahua and a giant Newfoundland. The mayhem the five dogs cause as they explore the Surrey countryside reaches a climax when they stage a rescue mission at a lonely farm with a dark secret.
It was a lot of fun getting inside my own Labradoodle’s head to write the story and you may not be surprised to hear he just happens to be called Scrabble!
The book is available on Kindle and you can read the first few chapters online for free. It only costs £2.80 if you like it enough to want to read more and is available via the following link:
I’d love to hear what you think and whether you feel I’ve managed to capture something of the canine spirit we all love so much!
All the best,