Had a majorly bad night last night. I’m dog sitting for 2 GSPs. Last night I fed them both, pep is on rimadyl for a leg problem. Gave her 1tablet with her food, stood til they were finished then took the bowls to wash them. Washed and dried them then went over to other bench 2put them away, only to my horror the bottle of tablets was gone! 😮 I ran into the garden to find pepper chewing the bottle+she’d eaten the lot!! 30 tablets! I got her straight 2the vets, iv never driven so fast lol! They made her vomit and she’s been on fluids the whole time flushing everything out. The vet kept me updated the whole time and said she’s been bright as a button all the time, she was worried last night. Safe dose is 100mg, pep had 3000mg!! I’m picking her up in the morning,she’ll probs have 2have bloods done next week 2check up. Thank god I got her there so quick so they’ve all come up. I was so worried, couldn’t believe it as she was so quiet. The tablets have a meatyish smell so they’re palatable,the nurse said they’ve seen 4 done the same thing. Her owners have been so great about it, she actually said sorry 2me for the stress! She knows what she’s like…so do I that’s why I’m kicking myself! Hopefully she’s been very lucky though!