plus socks will stop her being able to get a grip with her nails – make sure he nails are trimme dup properly – if they are too long that can hinder any grip she might be able to get, if she was mine id be blocking her acess to areas with no carpet unless i was there to help her up – i know she likes the cool floor, try a towel thats been in the freezer for long enough to make it cool ( dont freeze it!!) ad put that on the carpet if shes feeling hot – just make sure its cool not frozen.
You really need to keep her off the slippery floors or put carpet/ mats down – if she slips badly when trying to get up she could really injure herself.
been there done it with our old collie, hed suffered numerous ‘strokes’ add to that general wobbly old age and we actually ended up carpeting the hallway so that he stopped slipping over – plus some long runner mats in the kitchen so he could get out to the back door easily.