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One for the spaniel owners lol

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    OH ok so Lunar Lu thinks that all dogs with floppy ears (aka spanners) are sheep and therefore must be herded

    she doesnt have this mad urge with any other dog only with your silly floppy eared bird chasers – its really only just started and i only acknowledged it on Sunday when we went out met some nice labs “hello big Meggies” met some big GSD’s “uhhh big doggies will play over here” met some cockers “SHEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP” drop to the floor and herdie herd met a scrufftie “hello scruftie” met a springer “SHHHHHHHEEEEEEPPPPPPP” herdie herd.

    now i have to admit i actually found it quite funny – and as i have a friend with a couple of cockers i will just walk her about with those, but what i want to know what it is about dogs with floppy ears she finds so fascinating ????


    i have no idea but for some reason i now have this vision of her trying to herd bevs clumbers  :canadian:


    ::) simples really

    she nuts!  :ok:


    Well sue if she learnt and got a slap.for it that’s fine lol

    And yes she is nuts but why are spaniels sheeps  :surrender:


    totally and utterly understandable…as izz said…simples… ;D



    [img width=408 height=468][/img]

    from a dogs point of view???….

    claire’s pup has the same problem… ;D ;D

    ami so funny…look over left shoulder…he gone ok look over right shoulder…he gone already…but i know he was there…..cubert just does a …you stupid??  why would i move cos you flat on floor behind me  ::) ::)


    Brilliant pictures KIz ;D


    haha bev thats brilliant!!


    thats not a proper sheep it doesnt have floppy ears


    it’s dead…they gone stiff  :gum:


    LOL…good thread…  ;D



    fat lot of help you lot are really  :whatever:


    yep! :tease:


    ok wags…you asked for it  ;D

    what age is she…sorry been out the loop…

    when did she start this
    what type of dog was it…as in what type of spanner#
    what was her body language at that first interaction
    how did the other dog respond
    has she worked sheep
    if not has she been stock proofed
    what is the response of your other lot when she does this
    what have you said/say do/done when she does this
    what does the owner(s) of the spanners do/say done/said

    starter for 10 lol 😀


    shes almost 12 months

    i dont know really but i have only just noticed it

    so that kinda answers a few others lol

    shes not done anything round sheepies and shes not really seen them either

    the others are like “wierdo think that dogs a sheep the goon”

    “Lunar thats not a sheep come here you doof”

    depends on owner lol most laugh

    —– like i said – its an easy fix as such as i have access to some collie savvy cockers BUT what i want to know is WHY she has this fixation with floppy eared doggies ?????


    because…the first floppy eared doggy she met offered her a communication she had not seen before and she did what sheep dogs do…if in doubt….herd it…that got back a positive reaction…ergo…behaviour was re-enforced so now…floppy ears mean abc…sheep dogs as we all know…are the brightest dogs on the planet…a lesson learnt in 2 seconds stays for life…and if in doubt…kick in genetics… 😉

    my lot would allow her to do it…as they do with flash…cos they just think….stoooppppiddddd dog…herdherdherd….not fit for owt else…go try catch a pheasant and do somat useful… :gum:

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