Is it alright to feed dogs oranges now and again? I have been giving ours a few bits now and again and although our collie cross is ok our goldey is looking a bit off this last day or so. Not sure if it is just coincidence or not. Walt :-\
Should be fine Walt 😉 just don’t give them too much or they may be a bit loose when they go to the loo ;D You could try bananas too as they are fine for dogs.
Toby won’t leave me alone if I have a tangerine/mandarin and hasn’t done him any harm! He likes to take them from the fruitbowl and play with them on the floor too – bad lad!
yep…my lot all learn to eat oranges…brose was the orange/madarin freak….she could peel them perfectly…about the only thing she would sit and drool for…that and sprouts….cubert is at the stage of suck and spit out the pith for someone to step on ::) ami likes hers in seperate pieces, ready peeled and no nasty white stuff on ::) falkor…why bother peeling
My two have the same view as Loki on oranges!! After chewing them, pulling a funny face and spitting them all over my kitchen floor they decide oranges are not for them! ::) Melon on the other hand….nothing goes to waste when there is a melon about! 😀