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Positive Thoughts please

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    Nacho has a large tumour on his back.  He has to see vet on Wednesday evening to get biopsy.  Was hoping it was fatty lump but to be honest I knew it wasnt – it is attached and growing quite aggresively now.

    Owen says not to worry results will show all that is wrong but they may well just take it all to be on safe side and do thorough tests on it to see exactly what is going on.

    Going to be a long day tomorrow.  Wishing the hours away.  Christmas doesnt seem quite so important now.


    Aww poor Nooch, lots of positive thoughts coming your way and big {{{hugs}}}, fingers and paws crossed here  :-*


    We will have fingers and paws crossed for you! big  :-* :-* to Nacho.


    plenty of positive thoughts for your boy Mudge  :-* :-* snd lots of hug for you xxx

    Hope they get it all and he recovers quickly  :-*


    White light coming the lads way good luck to you both


    Hope everything is ok ((((HUGS))))  :-*


    Poor Nacho, hope all goes well and he makes a full recovery :-*


    Howd it go?? xxxx


    hope it all ok, thinking of you all  :-*

    Travis 1

    Hope everything has gone okay :-*


    Just back from vets – no further forward to be honest

    To go back in 2 weeks after festive break – no pathology results until then.

    Aspiration not any use as it may not take enough cells.  So not big knife cutty open stuff until after chrimbo.

    Trying not to worry – still hoping it may be a trauma and in two weeks it may not be there!!!  :yes:  but know that is unlikely.

    Anyhow just a waiting game now.


    shall keep fingers and paws crossed for that bit longer then…. hope he’s ok and try not to worry  :-*


    Have only just seen this Mudgie… hope you get some positive results for your lovely boy after xmas  :-*  :-*


    Nonono, this can nit be happening  😮 … I’m so hoping it’s nothing. Keeping fingers crossed.


    positive thoughts being sent from me and Stan, realy hope it it nothing seriouse :-*

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