I hate housetraining puppies – i cannot tell you how much im glad when its done, dont mind anything else but that! But i have put lots of effort in with fletch cos the other two boys are SO clean. And i have to say i thought dexters wee wee cue was rock solid but fletchers is even better, we went to dog show today, was walking over to the hall, and he was hugely distracted, stopped to let dex have a wee and fletcher was stood totally transfixed on where my friend was walking into the hall – i told him ( not holding out much hope as wasnt even sure he was listeng!!) to go wee wees and bless him he instantly squatted for a wee 😀 such a good boy, he never even hesitated it was that quick!!
Makes life easier at shows if i can tell the two boys to do wees or poos and they go, specially when its wet!
oh and dex got RBOB and 1st in av gundog postgrad today 😉