I dosed my irish setters with Fiprospot this afternoon and then went outside for about 30 minutes. When I came back indoors my youngest dog was on the floor scrabbling to get up. When she did get up she was very unstable/kept falling down again and had foam around her mouth where she had been drooling. She had clearly had a fit while I had been out as there was wet patch on sofa where she had lost bladder control. I took her to the vet who said I should try to shampoo off as much of it as I could, so I have done that and she seems to be on the mend.
The active ingredient in Fiprospot is Fipronil, the same as in Frontline, but they have a different carrier so vet suggested she might be allergic to Fiprospot carrier. As she has had Frontline many times in the past with no problems it seemed a reasonable conclusion. However, having done some research it seems that Fipronil can build up over time and only cause a reaction when a certain level is reached.
Just wanted to warn everyone that these reactions can happen, so please don’t leave your dog unattended after using a spot-on flea treatment.
I will be use Stronghold (which doesn’t contain Fipronil) next time, but will still make sure I am around to monitor the dogs afterwards.