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- This topic has 18 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 1 month ago by
January 11, 2009 at 11:22 am #62887
MemberSometimes i wished i hated dogs. They get me into trouble all the time ::) .
Newyear’s eve, at 12 o’clock… i spended in the doghouse.
We always celibrate it with the same ‘others’. This year at my cousin’s. Couse always sedated them with vet drugs.
This year the drugs didn’t do it. Dogs were scared. Crying, barking, howling… Everytime i went outside to smoke a sigarette… Scared out of their minds.Told cous to let the dogs in the house. But :nono: the wife said.
See; Aslong as dogs make noise they no were near scared. Rotties are never scared and the terrier not either. If they get scared they’ll hide in the doghouse. But than it ok, cause they won’t make sound no more :yes:
How would YOU know stupid woman ::) , you don’t even KNOW your own dogs.They crying like little puppers outside at the end of the garden in -20° , litteraly peeing alover themselves and YOU warm inside having fun >:( . They were not even aload to come out of the cage to play with my boys :'( .So, wilst smoking sig number ‘somany’, i couldn’t hear it no more. Suddenly my boys were looking funny at me and i had rott on my lap and terrier crawling IN my coat….. in the doghouse ::) .
Was warm but not comfortable. So i moved the dogs to my car. They were more comfortable there, but not really calm so i kept checking them from time to time.
My wife’s face when our kids told her ‘papa’s in the doghouse’…. hahaha 😀 .When fireworks were lid everybody was outside, so…. somebody moved the girls inside the house >:D and left my cardoor open for my boys to shelter in if they feel the need to. But my boys stuck to my wife and kids.
Woops :embarrass: , were their dogs in their house? On their sofa? I didn’t know ??? Nobody saw them going in, and they stayed put very comfy until the fireworks were done :whistle: …….. Couse’s wife knows it was me, but hey… PROVE IT >:D .Newyear’s day…. car soaked with sweeeeeet scent of girls. Didn’t think of that…. Not till mother-inlaw was giggling and said ‘turn around’ and i saw one of my boys was humping the carseats. GREAT! ::)
Now i was stuck with 2 argueing boys. 1 garding the car as if at the age of 12 he was about to get his driverlicence, and the other who was h@rny as hell :death: ….Sunshine treating the car with overdose of smellspray. Toke Wodan out for good walk first. Wodan enjoying the snow very much. Looking big, strong, handsome and sooo proud and peacefull ontop of the hill. With his nose in the air, they wind through his hair and his eyes closed sniffing ‘something’, feeling king of the world ;D……
Next we heared ‘stooooop, stop stop, stoooop’ and we saw this ‘lovely’ Stafflike dog, but bigger than Wodan, out of control, and was dragging his owner over to us, NOT to say a nice ‘hello’ >:( . Owner couldn’t hold the dog but we few feet away from him and walking past him. Wodan been good as can be, but very allert and we went back home. Was thinking ‘good thing i didn’t have Diesel with me’….Switched dogs, went back to the hills. OTHER side of the hills…. Dieselweasel having a ball in the snow. He not yet seen snow in these quantaties like this year yet 😀 . Catching a rabbit when you jump ànd sink more than a foot in the snow is not quite thàt easy 😀 ….
And than :scared: we heared ‘noooo, no stopstopstooooop’…….. ::) Oeshe, here he was again, had his owner still on a lead :vomit: .Dies ab-so-lute-tly sh.tting himself, went into complete defencemode ::) . Stafflike dog gave his best and *bammm*, his owner was being dragged on the belly, through the snow, behind the dog. Ok…. we retreat or we stay? …. We stay put. Cause we got no time to run and what if doofes-owner decides to let go of the lead…. Thàt would be worse. Within a second Diesel had his collar off and was circling, growlbarking, and attacking the dog who was still stuck to his owner who was trying to get up. The owner :vomit: …….. Next i feld like my armbone being tested for it’s strength. I can’t quite remember what i did, but i know i was yelling ‘let go!’ about 3 inches from the dog’s face. (stuuuuuuu-pid! he could have bitten me right in the face real good if the dog wanted to :-[ ) But he let go of my arm when Diesel went for his side.
Yelled to the owner that it should be illegal for 4ft midgets to own a dog they can’t control. That didn’t make it better ::) . He said I got a problem because i smacked his dog on the head with my fist……..
:-[ Could be, but i honestly don’t remember doing it. All i remember was pain and putting my face in the dog’s face yelling ‘let go’ and at the same split second thinking ‘damne Damian, this is a vèèèry stu-pid move.’
But Diesel was loose, and all over the place :'( . So when the dog let me go I called Diesel, knowing he would nooot come cause he scared, fearing he would run off but… he instantly just sat down where he was. So i ignored my own recallcommand, told him to ‘stay’ and went to him to put his collar and lead back on. And went back home.
I feared Diesel would still be vèry upset -i still was- when we met other dogs on our way home, but ??? ….. He was calmer and more confidant with other dogs than he ever been befor. I kept telling him how good he was, he kept begging for treats and was very good the way home.Sofar this new year has been a great 😛 . I got to experience what it is like in a doghouse, my car got humped and now reeeekes of roses :vomit: , i need a new coat, and although my lower arm is black and blue. BUT we also got more snow than ever, it freezin minus 8 at daytime and -15 at night atleast for the past few weeks. They weather is beau-ti-ful, full sunshine during the day, the boys are enjoying it, we go everywhere on foot due to the snow, and we survived it all.
I.. we was lucky. Everything could have been a whole lot worse :yes: .Only problem i got is Diesel’s full wintercoat and scull :suspious: . This collar is collar number hundred and so.
His collarhair so massive that any collar we tried sofar just slides off if he pulls back. His coat soooo thick and smooth, his scull fineshaped and his ears very flexible. Can’t put it on tighter, or it uncomfortably chocking him. I dig into his hair to put his collar on straight to the skin, but if he pulls back his head hard it just slides off.Tried to put it on straight behind the ears. But his earshells so flexible he just sqeezes them completely flat and out of the collar ::) .
I tried to put it on further down the neck, but hair much more massive than his scull, so than it vèry easy to get rid of.
He only does that if he get scared, he wants to be able to circkle around what ever is frighting him. But very unhealthy for my health condition 😛 .
They only thing he can not pull his head out of is a choke rope collar. But i hate those :-\ , yet him oneday running under a truck or car because his collar faild is def not good :confused: .Anybody got any other sollution than a chokerope collar, please?
January 11, 2009 at 11:49 am #111013*Nat*
MemberJees never dull Diesel, never dull!! ;D As bad as it was I have visions of the 4′ midget rolling along on his belly being dragged by his dog and that does make me chuckle but…… like you say could’ve been worse, glad you and pooch weren’t hurt to bad :-\ :-*
Nice one with your cousins dogs ;D Poor things :whistle:
January 11, 2009 at 11:54 am #111014xtine
Memberwowsers Diesel.. Happy new year 😀
Hope your arm is ok.. bloody ridiculous someone having a dog like that and it getting that point >:DI’d be interested in how Diesel’s behaviour changes around you after that.. cause when Fritz and Richard were attacked like that it def changed the way Fritz thinks and how protective he is over Richard :-\ he took all the shouting to mean R was in danger
Maybe Diesel was in shock on the way back home? I remember Fritz being really quiet….
PMSLOL at the dog getting in to the house tho ;D
January 11, 2009 at 5:04 pm #111015SuzAndTheDiva
MemberAwww Diesel hope that arm is ok – would a half check collar be any good for diesel? they pull tighter if he pulls but will sit loose during day – however is probably he will still be able to get out of it xxx
January 11, 2009 at 5:09 pm #111016kerrie and stan
Memberi thought of a half check aswell ;D
hope your arms ok :-* couldnt help laughing at the midget coment thoughJanuary 11, 2009 at 5:23 pm #111017*Lassie*
MemberDiesel you need to write all your stories down you would have a best seller ;D
Hope your arm is better soon :-*
My sister has a wide collar on Farrokh would something like that work with your boy? or a half checkJanuary 11, 2009 at 7:50 pm #111018Diesel73
Member:-* you all. My arm’s fine. Don’t know what the dog thought he was doing, or the owner for that matter ::) , but the dog could have done a lot more damage to my arm than he did. It black, blue, muscle is swolenand one of his fangs made a little hole in my arm. But that it.
quote :I’d be interested in how Diesel’s behaviour changes around you after that.. cause when Fritz and Richard were attacked like that it def changed the way Fritz thinks and how protective he is over Richard he took all the shouting to mean R was in dangerMaybe Diesel was in shock on the way back home? I remember Fritz being really quiet….
Hmmm ::) , will let you know, cause i don’t know and you got a good point there. We not seen dogs up close since… Only noticable difference since than is that Diesel is begging for commands 24 hours a day. He’s been in workworkwork-mode constantly. Wants to go outoutout.
But shock could very well be why he was so…. calm. ‘Dies’ an ‘calm’… Normally 2 words that can not be mentioned in one sentence ::) .quote :would a half check collar be any good for diesel? they pull tighter if he pulls but will sit loose during day – however is probably he will still be able to get out of it xxx – i thought of a half check aswellAnd a half check collar looks like…………. ? :embarrass:
quote :My sister has a wide collar on Farrokh would something like that work with your boy? or a half checkWide collar? You mean littleraly wider than normal collars, right? Got 1 of those too. 6 centimeters wide of toughest leather. No match for Diesel ::) .
The only thing i put on his neck and stayed on what that chokecordthing. I won it during a pokermatch. Think it’s a bad one ::) . When it shuts Diesel’s hair gets stuck between the ring and the cord. And the damne thing don’t open no more without the help of human fingers :death: .
But what a half check collar like? Am willing to try anything. I really don’t want to see him spooked and than flattend by a truck or car or tractor :scared: . His recall very good, but 1 second can be to much. Dogs by law not aload of lead here. So when ( :P) he’s on the lead i need his collar to be as good as bulletproof.
quote :I have visions of the 4′ midget rolling along on his belly being dragged by his dog and that does make me chuckleHe might have been a little taller than that :whistle: … but he was about a head and a half smaller than me and for f.ck sake…. It really was a stupid sight watching him biting the snow 😀 hahahaha. Might be the dog never was socialized by his mam and his owner the right way, and he was just hanging on my arm for some sort of play. He never did growl. When he let go, and i went to get Diesel, the staffielike dog just stood there. Tongue out of mouth, tired from dragging his owner i bet. But damne, does he have strong jaws :suspious: .
January 11, 2009 at 7:57 pm #111019kerrie and stan
Memberthis is a half check collar, stan wears one
January 12, 2009 at 6:38 pm #111020Anonymous
Guest[quote author=*Lassie* link=topic=13427.msg257410#msg257410 date=1231694617]
Diesel you need to write all your stories down you would have a best seller ;D
Hope your arm is better soon :-*
My sister has a wide collar on Farrokh would something like that work with your boy? or a half check
[/quote]hi farrokh s mum here do what i did if he pulled i stood still then i walked backwards esay you pull i stop he started pulling because my husband took us up the heath by car then i opened the door and let him out to run now i walk him up he fine no pulling the more he walks on a lead the better he is and when i stood still dont look at him and dont speak wait for him to come back to you say your word close heel and i found that long lead not flexi lead was a lot better you need two hands give him tiime on the llead every day good luckn
rJanuary 12, 2009 at 8:08 pm #111021*Lassie*
Member[quote author=farrokh link=topic=13427.msg257501#msg257501 date=1231785499]
[quote author=*Lassie* link=topic=13427.msg257410#msg257410 date=1231694617]
Diesel you need to write all your stories down you would have a best seller ;D
Hope your arm is better soon :-*
My sister has a wide collar on Farrokh would something like that work with your boy? or a half check
[/quote]hi farrokh s mum here do what i did if he pulled i stood still then i walked backwards esay you pull i stop he started pulling because my husband took us up the heath by car then i opened the door and let him out to run now i walk him up he fine no pulling the more he walks on a lead the better he is and when i stood still dont look at him and dont speak wait for him to come back to you say your word close heel and i found that long lead not flexi lead was a lot better you need two hands give him tiime on the llead every day good luckn
[/quote]Diesel’s arm is sore from being bitten by the other dog, it’s not his dog that pulls but the moron’s that he met 😉 and I don’t think the moron would stay around to listen to training tips ;D
Diesel dog can slip back out of his collar if something upsets him that’s why Diesel wants a different collarJanuary 12, 2009 at 8:26 pm #111022Anonymous
Guest[quote author=*Lassie* link=topic=13427.msg257410#msg257410 date=1231694617]
Diesel you need to write all your stories down you would have a best seller ;D
Hope your arm is better soon :-*
My sister has a wide collar on Farrokh would something like that work with your boy? or a half check
[/quote]LOL I’ve said before you should write a book!!
Hope your arm and boys are okay :-*
January 12, 2009 at 10:35 pm #111023Mudgie
MemberAmusing as always – I would go for a harness before I would go for choke chain – even a half one.
January 12, 2009 at 10:52 pm #111024Anonymous
GuestDon’t agree Mudge if a half check fits properly they are a good answer to hairy dogs have always used a round half check on my roughs beardies and pekes
It’s also impossible to put a hairy dog in a harness they just roll the fur into wacking great knots.
Plus any dog in a harness pulls like a steam train they are what they are fit for sledge dogs to pull in have seen some pets going bacwards and walking out of them
Val[quote author=Mudgie link=topic=13427.msg257519#msg257519 date=1231799729]
Amusing as always – I would go for a harness before I would go for choke chain – even a half one.
[/quote]January 13, 2009 at 7:28 am #111025Mudgie
MemberI get your point but most of joe public dont know how to size or use a choke chain properly.
January 13, 2009 at 6:20 pm #111026kerrie and stan
Membera half check is so simple compaired to a full, it was the first collar i baught stan and it is so easy to use. i would always have a half check over a harness
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