Where can I find a waterproof jacket that would be suitable for a German Shorthaired Pointer? It must be dark in colour (green or brown) not pink or polka dot! ::) She is very deep chested so I am having trouble finding one that will fit..Any suggestions please? 🙂
waterproof and made to measure 12 different colours and fleecey or thin linings, cost me £28 7 years ago, used it for Jay for 5 years and now Kodi wears it at outdoor shows, chuck it in the wash, good as new.
i got a stack of barbour ones from ebay – but collies dont take kindlly to coats but ya know what Cle its kinda tough if its peeing it down cos you get stiff
Hi Thanks for your replies I’ll look into those websites ….they look interesting… But at a later date ‘cos I’m into watching S C dancing & X factor tonite… ::) Cheers Liz