Nacho stinks – not just his breath – but he is rank :-\ Nothing changed in diet – teeth clean nothing looking infected or rotten – it is like rotten fish – it is disgusting. His ears are clean but he all over smells musty. ???
He hasnt rolled in anything i really think it is internal. Any ideas ?
Toby was like this a few weeks ago but just for two days, still don’t know what it was but seemed to clear up quick enough, sorry that’s not much help for you though!
are you sure he hasn’t rolled in anything? Sadie surprises me often :vomit: Sometimes it’s just old pee or a dead mouse (the current favourite) but it leaves her more than a bit ripe….if that’s not it I’m going with wags on this one
Ok but not all dogs drag bums when glands need doing 😉
So if it not his glands, im assuming youve checked nothing stuck in his teeth etc – i think if he was mine id chuck him in the bath and see if the smell was still there after :-*